Small-leaved Lime 


Linden (family - Tiliaceae)

Description: Large deciduous tree believed at one time to have been dominant tree in English forests. Height 38 m. Age 500 years

Where found: Woods and cliffs except limestone. Sometimes forms pure stands but usually with Ash, Hawthorn, Field Maple, Birch, Oak, Wild Cherry and Wych Elm. Moderately tolerant of shade. Coppices strongly. Natural Distribution in England and Wales, and Southern Scotland not Ireland. Also most of Western Europe except Southern Spain, Italy and Greece.

Similar species: Common Lime is a hybrid of Tilia cordata and T. platyphyllos

Uses past & present: Relatively soft white or yellow wood, valuable timber. Does not change dimensions or warp once seasoned. Uses of wood - Good for carving and making small articles and model making. Bark has strong fibre (bast) and once used for ropes. Food and drink - Sugar can be made from sap and beekeepers regard as a good source of nectar. On continent flowers dried to make tea.

July Apr/May Sept