Cliffhanger will not be exhibited in any venue which does not have full disabled access.

Cliffhanger is displayed behind a barrier at exhibitions. As the layout is popular, there can be several rows of people behind it. This can make it difficult to see for someone in a wheelchair. If this is the case, please do not hesitate to ask an operator for help and they will assist you in finding a place where you can view comfortably. Cliffhanger is a very unusual layout as it is more vertical than deep. Sea level is 20" from floor level so much of the detail will be close to you. From a wheelchair, the trains are visible but you will not be able to see the tracks themselves.

For those with hearing difficulties, the upper and lower pelmets display much useful information about the layout. In addition, there is a display screen that introduces each train and also shows short videos about how the layout was built. The display screen will not be available for the National Exhibition at Warley 2012.